
Luke - So Lovisa. You can come and pick me up from school again when your boo-boo is gone?




Titta vad jag just fick i handen? hur gullig? FÖR GULLIG

What's cooking?

Luke came to me by the stove when I was making him a grilled cheese. He saw that the sandwich was still whole and cried: "HEY. I said small triangles. SMALL!" And makes all different gestures to really illustrate how a tringle look like. "Don't you think I know how a triangle look like, Luke?" "Come on you little lady, triangles for God's sake." Then he smacks my butt before walking away with his nose in the air..


Long blonde swede

Hade just movienight med mina värdföräldrar. Vi såg Grown-Ups på on-demand. Yeez vad bekvämt USA är..

En av kommentarerna under filmen är till en scen där en av småpojkarna hoppar upp i famnen på en av de äldre heta tjejerna.  Det eviga skämtet dök då upp; att jag har satt Luke's tjejsmak för resten av hans liv; lång, blond och... ja ni fattar. Bevis? Har jag nämnt att Luke älskar Shakira ("play that song again!!"  och som han för övrigt nicknameade Christine efter när hon var här..) Samt att han uppskattade Daisy Duke/Jessica Simpsons i the Dukes of Hazzard-filmen? Yepp yepp.

Humor it is.


En av världens vackraste kvinnor enlig moí

Uppe bland molnen

Luke and I restle (yessss my back is finally much better, it is almost gone now) on the grass in the backyard and finally I surrender, lay down and say:
- Oufh.. I'm just gonna look at the clouds a little bit Luke.
First, he jumps down on my tummy and then lays next to me.
- I see a bunny. I see a mosquito. What do you see, Luke?
- I see a horse. And I see a Lovisa.
- I see a clown, do you see the clown, Luke? It's the nose and the pointy hat.
- Yeah I see it... and I see a Lovisa with lipstick. She is very beautiful.


( I answered - I see the best most wonderful boy in the world, and he is laying right next to me!!!! and started tickle him)

Without doubt the best moment of the day


I lost my laugh

With Luke and Bella outside;

Lov - Look at the stars kids!
Luke and Bella gasps; WOOOOOOOOOW.
Luke - Lovisa? You are more beautiful than the stars.
Lov - Aaw. You are truly the sweetest boy in the world.

Luke: Lovisa. LOVISA.
Lovisa: What?
Lov: What? you can't lose your laugh, buddy.
Luke: Yeah. Look. /tries to fake-laugh.
Lov: It'll come back when you laugh for real. Like, when I tickle you.
Luke: Can you come and tickle me?
Goes and tickle him for a while then walks away. Luke tries to fake-laugh again.
Luke: Lovisa? It is still gone. Can you come and tickle me again?

Life goes on

Familjen har sedan en tid tillbaka börjat leta efter nästa au pair. Kan ju inte säga annat än att det är jobbigt- någon annan ska bära vidare facklan och ta hand om de små liven. De små liven som jag kommit att älska så mycket. Luke var så otroligt gullig idag innan han skulle åka på sleep-over hos farmor. Och Bella.. Bella litar på mig, fullt ut. Den fina tilliten är värd tusenfalt.

En av de nya kandidaterna hade mejlat för att höra sig om vad hon stod upp emot och jag skrev bland annat:

"The kids are two great personalities. Luke is a madly energetic and humoristic little four year old. Isabella is a shy but bold eight year-old wannabe-tomboy with a lovely humoristic crazy-side to her. Both are greatly lovable. It's gonna be so hard to leave."

"My schedule during a normal week, Mon, Wed, Fri, is to get up at and start at 7.30-9.30. Mostly it is me and Meliss who get the kids ready for school together but when she's away on business I'll do the mornings on my own. During those days I'm off between 9.30 and 2 pm, when I take the car and go pick Luke up at pre-school. At four, we go and get Bella by the busstop and when we return I spend the next hours before dinner helping Isabella with homework. Tuesday and Thursday I have Luke all day from 7 - 5. The weekends I'm mostly off, generally I might work one Sunday night a month, which fits me perfectly-  you can always make the best out of the weekends anyway."

"When I arrived, I fit in immediately. This has always felt like my second home, ever since I got here. I get along very well with Matt and Melissa. Whenever we had things to bring up, we sit down for evalutation and talk and with that communication we have always solved whatevers been on our minds."

"The perks as our new au pair is that you will have your own car, you have access to the city and the family has been the best I ever could have wished for. In the summer times it is very hot and Manorville is close to Hampton beaches and clubs (so awesome if you are 21+, I'm not but worked it out anyway). There is also a lot of horse stalls out here if you enjoy horseback-riding."

"Hope you'll find what you're looking for, I sure did"


What if God was one of us?

Luke och pre-school-fröken:
- Miss Sandy, my sister got the same pink ball at home and it bounces REALLY high. (Both watching the SKYball)
- Oh really, Luke, the same one?
- Yeah, it bounces ALL the way UP TO GOD!


Luke gick nyss runt och sjöng på Killers. That's my boy!

"And I'm on my knees, looking for an answer. Are we human or are we dancers?"

Och nu när jag ropade; "Come on Lukey - we gotta go and pick Bella up" så svarade han
"Coming my princess. Coming!"

Ännu ett bidrag denna kväll från denna otroligt älskvärda lilla pojke var:
"I love you Lovisa. In my heart. Just like your earring. Your earring is hearts. I love you in my heart."

What are you? an animal?!

Luke gick just nerför trappan och sjöng:

"I'm walking with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his way and no message gonna send any clearer. If you wanna make the world a better place.."


Vad mera hände idag?


Jag och Luke hade hela dagen för oss själva. Det blev Long Island Game Farm för vår del. Åkte efter lunch med lite snack packade ut i höstens vackraste solsken. Hade en budget på 100$ så det var inte så dåligt. Karusell, teacups och chu-chu-train blev det mellan det ena djuret efter de andra. Sommarens favorit-giraffen fanns dessvärre inte kvar. Har x-antal gulliga filmer med Luke som går fram och pratar med djuren. GULL. Och idag var han verkligen überhärlig. Han har på senare tid blivit lite mer av en utmaning men dagens utflykt var nog bra för oss. Efter rundan så åkte vi och köpte glass innan han slocknade som ett ljus i bilen medan jag väntade in Bella från skolbussen.

Familjen har också börjat kolla på ny au pair. SNYFT. Eller snarare Cultural Care har börjat pracka på och de har inte börjat titta in på tjejernas profiler men det var tydligen två från Sverige. My heart will break när nån annan tar över mina gosungar. Men sånt är livet.

Pusskram från aupairen

Brigdes are built to help crossovers

Sitter på Skype med Christine och Bella hänger i rummet i väntan på att jag ska bli klar. Vi snackar svenska och hoppar över till engelska ibland eftersom Christine och hon redan är bekanta. Min lilla tjej. Christine utbrister "What the fuck" mitt i en svensk mening. "Oj sorry! Är Bella fortfarande kvar?" ... Ja... Liten kastrull med stora öron som min mamma skulle sagt.

I samma samtal utbrister också Bella: "I want chuttbullar!"

Jag och Christine avslutar vårt samtal med att gå igenom samtliga effekter i våra webcam program. HUMOR!!!!! hur gammal är man? kanske runt Bellas ålder?

Kärlek. /L


Bella and I are sitting and doing her homework. In her assignment she is suppose to put down numbers about herself, birthday, age, weight and height. We reached a question where she was suppose to count her family-members.
- Lovisa, me... Luke... Mommy. Daddy. And Rockwell. That's SIX!


You know what they say

(And for everybody's 411 - Luke is four years old.)

Luke was standing by himself on the sofa and staged his own concert with his new guitar. Suddely he shouts:

In car going home from school.
- Lovisa? Today in school, my pants fell down.
- Oh really? Did you pull them up again?
- Yeah. They fell down and I pulled them up. Then, they fell down AGAIN. And everybody laughed.
- Aaw. Well that wasn't very nice. Was it?
- No... but Lovisa...? it was in the bathroom.
- Oh, in the bathroom?
- Yeah.
- That's crazy buddy.
- Yeah. There is a lot of crazy things going on in my pants.

Luke and I are playing in the playroom. Luke is just about to close the door and he see's the dog coming towards him. So he says, very disapointed (and too much alike a grownup) to be interrupted
- Ah...Rockwell is coming....What a shame...

A worker is out in our yard measuring for the town and everybody thinks he looks cute and that I should go out there and introduce myself. Everyone except me - without make-up, in glasses and hair tied up in a knot because I have conditioner in there. Grandma even goes out there to check him out. When she comes inside she tells everyone that he is gorgeous with great teeth. "Really boyfriend material!" She says. And Luke goes;
- He can't be her boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend!
- Well Luke. Isn't she too old for you?
- No... not really.
- But you can't marry her.
- No but I can date her??


Luke is in the pool at their cousin's house and toots in the water.
- WOOOH. I just burped out of my butt!

Discussion between Bella, me and Luke:
Lov - Roxie is like a cute litte hotdog!
Luke - Hotdog ?!?!?!?
Bella - Yeah not really a hot dog but...
Granpa's dogs is running upstairs.
Lov - Ooh. The HOT - DOGS are out.
Luke and Bella is laughing their guts out.
Lov - oh yeah. They are smoking hot.

BFF's and BF's

Luke and Bella is in the car with mommy. Luke goes;
- They said SEXY on the radio.
Bella goes
- That means special.
- No... that means she's HOT.

Bella: - Merry me, Lovisa!
- Dam-dam-di-dam dam-dam-di-dam
- Do you take this Isabella Page ...
- Yes!
- I now pronounce you married. You may kiss the bride!
Luke: - No no NOOOOO. Don't marry my sister!!!
Bella - Why?
Lov - Yeah, why?
Luke - Just don't merry her!!! Don't never ever do that again.
Lov - Dam-dam-ti-dam...
Luke - NOOOO. Don't!! *quiet* I want to marry you...

- I love you Lovisa. I wish I could be your boyfriend..
- Aw. I wish so too. If you were older...
- But if I kiss you, that makes us girlfriend and boyfriend.
- True.
kiss and proudly announce
- Now I'm your boyfriend!

Bella and Luke in distance
Bella - Don't ever merry my sister again.
Luke - Whyyy? She is beautiful.
Bella - But don't merry my sister!
Luke - But she is be-UTI-ful.

GULLON. Is there anything sweeter? /L.


Eftersom jag umgås med barnen ca 80% av min vecka blir jag lite skadad.

Vad tittar jag mest på på tv?
Svar: Big Time Rush och Sponge Bob

Vad lyssnar jag på?
Svar: Big Time Rush, Michael Jackson och väldigt mycket samma låtar om och om och om igen...

Vilka ord säger jag flest gånger per dag?
Svar: Sweetie, buddy, yes, NO, take it easy

Hur ofta kommer jag ihåg all deras utrustning och kläder medan jag alltid lyckas glömma något av min egen?
Svar: Nästan alltid.

Hur ofta bär jag runt på en liten pojke på armen?
Svar: Minst 10 ggr per dag

Hur ofta kommer en flicka och pussar mig på magen?
Svar: Minst 20 ggr per dag

Hur ofta vaknar jag upp till ropet: MOOOOMMYYYYY?
Svar: varje dag

Är det någon helg jag inte sover med öronproppar?
Svar: Nej

Hur trött är jag i slutet av dagen?
Svar: väldigt

Hur fäst har jag blivit vid dem?
Svar: Alldeles tokmycket.

Värt det?
Svar: Alltid.


Take me out


Så go och glad efter en härlig helg med midsommarfirande och en liten stay at Elin's. Ny vecka och nytt schema. Nu går barnen inte längre i skolan vilket innebär långa dagar som jag har båda två. OVANLIGT. Och de är som mest hyper tillsammans. Men idag gick allt supersmooth. Vi åkte till Riverhead's akvarium för att skaffa seasonpasses som räcker ett år. Tänkte att vi skulle gå dit någon annan dag men en liten korttur hann vi med bara för att få en liten uppfattning om hur det såg ut. OCH det var jättefint och mysigt!! Vi såg en liten show med sea lions innan vi begav oss hemåt för lunch i hettan. Eftermiddagen spenderade vi i Saras pool och till och med Luke vågade sig i den stora poolen (han tycker sånt är rätt läskigt eftersom han inte kan simma och dessutom är rätt liten i jämförelse med poolen..) Så tillsammans hade vi det så mysigt att jag blir alldeles rörd. Och fina bilder tog vi. Kan bjussa på en med mig och Sara (eftersom kidsen inte ska vara med på bloggbilder) men kan lova att de var ännu sötare än oss (tro't eller ej!!)!

Overall så var det en jättemysig dag. De lyssnade bra och var lagom lugna. Mina gullungar. Ögonstenar! Luke i bilen;

"Can we put on Michael Jackson when we get home?"
"Sure Luke."
"And I'll take my shirt off and have a danceparty!!"
"Ha-ha, do so Lukey."
"I like you Lo-fisa. No.. I love you."


Bella says

"Girls go to college
to get more knowledge,
Boys go to Jupiter,
to get more stupider"


Thank you, dear!

Funny mister Luke:

"Lovisa: Luke, do you understand what I'm telling you?
" Luke: Yes, dear!"
"What did you say? *laughs*"
"Yes, dear!"

A moment later, putting him to bed:
"-Be a good boy now"
"Sleep tight cutiepie. I love you."
"I love you too, dear!"

Matt: "Luke, you better not be doing that again!"
Luke says: "Oh please God... help me..." and shakes his head.

Luke:" Lovisa, I got a secret for you. *whispers in my ear* I love you.
Lovisa: "You know what? I got a secret for you too. *whispers* I love you more.
"NO! I love YOU more!"
"Well. I love you the most."
"I love you the MOST."
"I'm older than you so that means I can love you more."

At Luke's school:
Teacher: "What is your name again?"
Luke: "The teacher ask me what was your name. And I said Lovisa." (always say Lovisa with a f-sound)
Teacher to Lovisa: "Yeah, and he was really upset when I said Louisa."
Luke: "Yeah - her name is LO-FI-SA!"

In the car::
Luke: "Does that truck have ribbon?"
Lovisa: "Yeah, that truck has a green ribbon hanging from it".
"'Cause it's a garbagetruck."
Thinks for a while and then goes;
"Well it might be a GIRL-truck, right?"

Sara is coming over for a playdate and Luke see's her at the door when we're having lunch. Before I open Luke goes:
"Yeah, sit down Luke. Finish first. I'll get the door."
"MAN, I love SARAH!"
"Naaaw, you are too cute Luke."
"Oh... *whispers to me* but that is our secret, OKEY?"

In the car:
"YEAH. I want to climb walls."
"I bet you do."
"When is Halloween?"
"In a couple of month's. It's after we visit your cousins."
"When are we visiting my cousins?"
"In the end of the summer."
"First we are gonna have a awesome summer here, at home,"
"Lovisa? I wish I was the real Spiderman."

"I love you Lofisa"
"Aw cutiepie!"
"AH! I'm not a cutiepie. It's only girls that can be cutiepie."
"Oh no, everybody can be a cutiepie. You, me, Bella, mommy."
"No, cutiepie is for babies."
"No Luke. YOU ARE a cutiepie."
"But I AM NOT a baby!!"


Luke blir fyra år idag! Hurra hurra hurra vi majbarn är så jäkla bra. Han bokstavligen sprang in i sitt pre-school klassrum och tjöt; "It's my biiiiiiiiiiirthday today" tre gånger. Jag och Melissa ska snart åka och lämna cupcakes och Spiderman-goodiebag till alla de små liven. Eftersom jag inte kan lägga upp bilder på barnen här på bloggen så får det bli en coolish på Michael till Luke's ära. Och hans favoritlåt just nu.

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